Theres something happening here What it is aint exactly clear syntropy zoneDoing live demonstrations for 20 years with thousands of people has given me a better understanding of how the body functions in the more subtle electro chemical world.  Every biochemical reaction transpires because of finer interactions of energies that are very difficult to measure. This leads to easy dismissal of results that millions of people receive from the use of non traditional magnets, copper and a cornucopia of other items. With the the emergence of better ways to do science there is a stronger polarization between the believer and nonbeliever. The nonbelievers saying that opinions should be developed using science, logic and reason. And, I agree. So why not some better research as to why people report amazing results that are medically verified. This poses a dilemma for authorities and medical professionals when another new ‘health product’ enters the market. Old dogmas and group think persist as a new field of quantum biology makes discoveries that have yet to be accepted by the consensus.

The dilemma is not about whether the product is a safe or not, but that it cannot be scientifically explained. Millions of people experience a better quality of life from a diversity of products fully aware there is no logical reason. ….yet they still work for them. They often ask their doctor for an opinion about their journey as they venture on the path of WOO. Patients often assume that the doctor has examined the pros and cons of the detour from the mainstream their patient has embarked upon. That’s a whole topic unto itself on how the doctor patient relationship can change with such a disclosure from the patient. I have heard many stories of their doctor telling them:  it’s voodoo, witchcraft,  if it works use it!, it’s junk science, it’s quantum WOO, I use them too, stop using it and the old standby……it’s snake oil.

I have been a pharmacist, but was not satisfied with blanket dismissals and ridicule of alternative products from mainstream ‘experts’.  ‘For What It’s Worth’ is a popular protest song from the 1960s with the beginning lyrics “THERE’S SOMETHING HAPPENING HERE . BUT WHAT IT IS AIN’T EXACTLY CLEAR.” I had to try and make scientific sense of underlying principles that seem common to results I consistently observe and people report.  I guess this is a protest as well, to what I consider mediocre,   incomplete research and poor protocols when trying to evaluate something new…..or something conventional like the copper bracelet grandpa used to wear. I am not referring to the ‘it’s all in your head’ version of placebo. This is just one aspect of the placebo effect but most outcomes are ignored and passed off into this abyss.

‘Logic and evidence’ is a foundational premise of science. Logic is science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and reason. Other expressions of logic include sound judgment, convincing forcefulness, and persuasiveness which are all interpretations of prior speculations. It is like ‘guessing on steroids’ when prior conclusions are unknowingly inaccurate and the unsound logic accelerates. Evidence gives stronger foundational support for an assertion. Physical measurements of before and after changes can be repeated consistently and give further confirmation.

Logic is often used to invalidate evidence. There can be good evidence presented that is clear and based upon measurable outcomes but ‘logic’ determines the evidence is implausible so it is dismissed. Case closed…..”it’s quantum WOO”, “it’s quackery”! It seems like the placebo effect is a trash bin or net that can capture almost any unexplainable ‘happening’. There is a ‘happening place’ that I call the Syntropy Zone. It is accurate that there is an aspect of the placebo effect where nothing really happens. The Syntropy Zone is the quantum download hotspot of the placebo effect. Where NOTHING REALLY IS HAPPENING! In my upcoming book ‘WOO 2 WOW…….When It’s Not Supposed To …..Works!’ I explore my observations and discoveries about the world of quantum WOO. It has been my quiet protest and obsession into a deeper understanding, fascination, humility and gratitude that ‘THERE’S NOTHING HAPPENING HERE’.


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