Pharmacist Describes ‘Zone’ In Placebo Effect

This is the first of a continuing series of blog posts, commentaries, observations and videos regarding an unusual and perhaps innovative research project I have embarked on over 20 years ago. Start at the start! This is a phrase I often defer to when I attempt to trace an outcome backwards to look for formative causal factors that may have contributed to the observations and results I am questioning.

imageI had to make quite a shift in my thinking as a pharmacist after I experienced a  magnetic necklace relieving my persistent 5 years of pain from previous injuries. From my traditional medical training I knew there was no way that it could possibly work. Or, if it did have any positive effect then it must be the placebo effect. Fast forward over 20 years later. Finally my first blog, website and an upcoming book relating what I have been doing over the last 20 years.  I had such hesitation to finally deliver information and what I believe are significant discoveries about neuroscience and how the body functions.

I had my scientific skeptic mind shaken by a magnet. I heard about magnetic products but would never consider even trying them because I thought ‘no way’. It took me 5 years to finally try it because a friend gave me one. I felt better and my persistent pain of five years from old injuries was gone. I even went back and forth with its use to notice the changes when used or not. Yes…I also claimed ‘placebo effect’. I couldn’t stop with the usual dismissal and accept some expert telling me it’s my imagination. So I embarked on a path to get an idea what might be happening. I observed thousands of results and outcomes that don’t fit the handy placebo and anecdotal excuses. This journey I am still currently on has taken me years to muster up the courage to realize I have to let others know about my findings. I ventured into many controversial areas that are usually easily dismissed. Magnetics are only part of my investigations. I have interacted with thousands of people seeing consistent results that are far beyond placebo effect and offer some ideas that may have scientific plausibility. It is impossible to use totally accurate words and premises with this endeavor because there are none.

My upcoming book ” WOO 2 WOW…..WHEN IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO…..WORKS!!!” describes what I have regularly observed and more importantly what people have experienced and reported using very simple tools and methods to improve their lives. The WOO usually refers to the ominous Q word QUANTUM where ridicule and blasphemy abound when people dare to attach such a sciencey word to the subject of health. After all, the spooky unseen mysterious quantum world is supposed to be reserved for serious study and investigation only by quantum physicists, cosmologists and other high ranking scholars. It seems obvious the quantum world does not exclude biology, and thankfully, there is an emerging field of quantum biology to research principles of life that violate the ‘laws of physics’. I believe much of what occurs in the placebo effect is related to quantum effects. There needs to be a more accurate definition and separation of aspects of the placebo effect. It is a highly overused term often used for easy dismissal of positive outcomes delivered by methods that contradict scientific consensus. After consistently observing violations and contradictions of medical science I know I need to share these results.

I have coined the term ‘syntropy effect’ which is a process that creates greater levels of order and function within a ‘place’ that I also coined called the Syntropy Zone. I invite scrutiny and questions because I want to know the ‘why and how’. I want to grasp the science of this and find suitable terms and scientific language that describes what is really happening instead of dismissing obvious medically verified results. Science is a process that often grinds very slowly. Ideas and concepts eventually leading to useful products and benefits can take decades. I have a simple goal to help people realize a better quality of life now….easily and safely. I have many things to share in the upcoming blogs and videos and invite your participation and input.

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