I am always interested in seeing the expressions on people’s faces as they decide whether to try something new for discomfort, pain relief or general health. I am referring here to those that have never tried magnets, copper, my SEO inventions or other materials/methods that I may be researching.  After doing this for about 20 years you start to notice certain expressions that emulate the skeptic,  the ‘expert’ mind, and aggravated scholars that believe these products should not exist on the planet.  And there are those with the expressions of kindness so sincere that I can almost feel them praying for this poor soul that lost his way into the world of WOO and magical thinking.

Opting out of the herd

What prompts access to the threshold of making a decision to try something that they do not believe will work? Their uncle Bob or grandpa always wore one …..and “he swore by it”. That is a phrase I have heard hundreds of times. How can I have any influence when I’m a stranger and they have never seen me before, and their own relative’s or friend’s opinion doesn’t even matter? When they find out I was a pharmacist some think that it could be dangerous because it is like a tiger out of his cage. A tiger is supposed to be in his cage! I have to say it often felt like a cage being in the pharmacy. However, I often see the pattern interrupt confused look as their thinking shifts. How could I have an extensive medical education that ensures a better income and instead I stand 12 hours in some booth at a show?  Simple answer: Results, and very happy and appreciative people. And, I get to learn a lot about how the body and mind work. A booth at a show is actually a unique opportunity to interact with thousands of people in every spectrum of health.

What happened?!  Why would I leave the safety of the cage?  Here I refer to a far more dangerous and treacherous cage. The human mind unwilling to venture into new territory that offers the potential of expansion and a better quality of life. I refused to try new interventions for my five years of persistent pain from accidents. The satisfaction of being relieved of pain and healing faster was dwarfed by the exhilaration of unleashing my mind. I realized I had a lot of re-thinking to do because I found out that much of what I was taught was simply not true. I did have to return to the pharmacy though. And not just once, but often. I regularly return to my cage to retrieve a traditional pharmacists tool. You guessed it right. My mortar and pestle!

Conditioning and belief patterns are entertained and acted upon by the human mind. Some of the biggest chunks in the pestle needing to be crushed are ‘OPOs’. Other People’s Opinions. In these common moments that are often behaviors,  the mortar has some serious grinding to do so when they’re broken down you can understand what’s really there. History readily demonstrates the dangers of herd mentality. The chunks can be particularly difficult to break down when they are from science and religion. They are unusually hard and it’s almost as if they have cloaking devices and stealth technology that helps maintain their presence inside your mind without you being aware of them. Open mindedness, freethinking and choice recede into the background.

“The definition of insanity” is the most overused cliche of all time, for a reason. It deserves being repeated. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I have talked to thousands of people that suffer but are unwilling to try something new, and with thousands that are thrilled and thankful because they did. The quantum mortar and pestle is ALWAYS available. The amazing brain, the human mind, the heart and the breathe are synchronized to offer the gift of the next moment….the next choice.





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